privacy policy

1. Name or name of the business that handles personal information

AB Accommo Co., Ltd.

2. Handling of personal information

We comply with laws and regulations related to personal information protection and handle the personal information provided by our customers with the utmost care.

This privacy policy explains how we handle your personal information.

3. Purpose of use of personal information

Personal information obtained from customers will be used for the following purposes.

1. To provide customers with product information, services, etc.

2. For reservations and various services for hotel accommodation, banquets, and restaurants

3. Notification, provision, and management of services, products, and campaigns handled by the hotel

4. Conducting surveys regarding the hotel’s services and products

5. Development of new services and products handled by the hotel

6. Responding to inquiries, requests, etc.

In addition, when using personal information for research and analysis, the principle is to use the data processed as statistical data.

We will not use your personal information for any purposes other than those specified in this article.

4. Personal information security measures

We strive to safely manage and operate your personal information, and take reasonable and appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access to your personal information from outside, loss, damage, destruction, falsification, leakage, and unauthorized disclosure to outside the company. In addition, we appoint an information management officer in the department that handles personal information, and strive to properly manage personal information. We also establish rules regarding information security and ensure that employees are fully aware of these rules.

5. Provision to third parties

AB Accommodate Co., Ltd. creates data for customers based on their personal information and strictly stores and manages this database.
Except in the following cases, we will not provide personal information to third parties without the customer’s consent.
1. When the customer has given their consent
2. When disclosure or provision is required by law
3. When it is deemed necessary to protect the customer’s life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the customer’s consent at that time
4. When requested by a public institution to provide personal information for the public interest or in accordance with various laws and regulations
5. When disclosed or provided in a form that does not identify the individual, such as statistical data

However, personal information may be disclosed to a business contractor in order to outsource operations to any of the above. In such cases, AB Accommo Co., Ltd. will be responsible for selecting an appropriate contractor, entering into a contract with the contractor that includes a confidentiality agreement clause, and entrusting the contractor with the personal information and managing it appropriately.

6. Disclosure, modification, and deletion of personal information

Please contact AB Accom Co., Ltd. if you wish to disclose, modify, or delete your personal information. In addition, if any personal data held by our company contains information that is not factual, we will take steps to correct, modify, or delete the information.

7. Application and modification of personal information

AB Accom Co., Ltd. will make appropriate improvements to the above basic policy and privacy policy, including the handling of personal information, in response to changes in laws, regulations, and the social environment. In such cases, we will notify you by reflecting the changes in this privacy policy so that you can be aware of the details at any time.

Disclosure, correction, and suspension of use of personal information handling complaints desk

AB Accommodate Co., Ltd.

[Mail] 6F Kyoritsu Building, 3-10-2 Kanda Jinbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0061

[Telephone] 03-6261-2295

[Fax] 03-6261-2296

[Reception hours] 9:00-18:00 (excluding weekends and holidays)

8. Site policy

In order to properly protect the personal information of customers who use the website operated by our company, we have established a site policy and take great care in handling it.